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My life as a Mushiking Player in the Philippines

Sunday, July 10, 2005

The 28th Tournament... is... (how do you say it again?)... DISAPPOINTING.

This is the lowest number of participants we ever had in Mushiking Philippines history. TEN PARTICIPANTS?!?!?!? Why, oh why is happening?

Well, we got a new champ here. Even if it was "good", I couldn't recollect good moments because of the number of participants that came...

I did lose to a three-time champ in a friendly game. That made me... enlightened in a way...

Cards collected:
Alright, I got a new set of cards and I'll be posting it up in the near future! Just wait, I'll prepare table formats here... Oh yeah, I completed the first edition!!! Yay!!!
Beetle Cards
Card number Beetle Name
001E Giraffe Stag-beetle
002E Hercules Beetle
003E Grand Stag-beetle
004E Caucasus Beetle
005E Elephant Beetle
006E Japanese Stag-beetle
007E Five Horned Beetle
008E Humorous Stag-beetle
009E Little Stag-beetle
010E Parry Stag-beetle
011E Armor Stag-beetle
012E Flat Stag-beetle
013E Saw tooth Stag-beetle
014E Deer Stag-beetle
015E Japanese Beetle
016E Thailand Five Horned Beetle
017E Grant White Beetle
018E Upright Horned Beetle
Skill Cards
Card number Skill Name Skill Type
001E Banging Smash Hitting
002E Dragon Attack Hitting
003E Dangun Hitting
004E Rolling Smash Hitting
005E Finishing Attack Stopper Special Hitting
006E Last Resort Special Hitting
007E Bull Lock Pinching
008E Rolling Clutch Hold Pinching
009E Kingfisher Hug Pinching
010E Running Cutter Pinching
011E The Tie Breaker Special Pinching
012E Confusion Special Pinching
013E Rolling Driver Throwing
014E Sidescrew Throw Throwing
015E Tornado Throw Throwing
016E Sidelock Bomb Throwing
017E Agitation Special Throwing
018E Counter Attack Healing Special Throwing
Beetle Cards (2nd/Limited Edition)
Card number Beetle Name
005E Elephant Beetle
007E Five Horned Beetle
008E Humorous Stag-beetle
009E Little Stag-beetle
011E Armor Stag-beetle
013E Saw tooth Stag-beetle
014E Deer Stag-beetle
015E Japanese Beetle
017E Grant White Beetle
Skill Cards (2nd/Limited Edition)
Card number Skill Name Skill Type
002E Dragon Attack Hitting
004E Rolling Smash Hitting
009E Kingfisher Hug Pinching
011E The Tie Breaker Special Pinching
012E Confusion Special Pinching
013E Rolling Driver Throwing
015E Tornado Throw Throwing
016E Sidelock Bomb Throwing